Worship Service Sundays: 10:30 am

Friday, November 3 - Saturday, November 4

Christ came to set us free; to make an 'abundant life' possible again.  In Christ, people can be a new creation!

The reality, however, is that our lives and experiences often do not reflect this new creation very well.  We find ourselves 'stuck' in old patterns of living and wishing for better.  The 'baggage we carry' seems to keep us from experiencing the freedom Christ came to bring.

At the Set Free Retreat, you will learn about both the Devil's strategies (aimed to rob you of your God-given joy and fulfillment), and the weapons we can fight him with!  Weapons like confession, deliverance, forgiveness and inner healing.

 We'd love for you to join us!

Just a note regarding 'realistic expectations'.... , this retreat is not like a 'cruise' - a time of relaxation and rest.  Rather, it is a time of intense teaching and practicing the things you learn.  So, come prepared not to evaluate the teaching and merely increase your knowledge, but come willing to participate in pursuing the freedom that God has for us!

Not sure whether this retreat 'is for you'? 

Read Joanne MacGregor's blogpost with
 4 considerations and 4 great stories


Listen to several testimonies shared at Emmanuel Church (Middleton) during a worship service in November 2019

Tentative Schedule:

FRIDAY, November 3

7:00pm Worship
7:10pm Welcome & Introductions
7:20pm Session ONE: Spiritual Warfare
7:50pm BREAK
8:00pm Session TWO: Destructive Habits, Attitudes and Actions
8:30pm Triads

9:00pm End Day One

SATURDAY, November 4
10:00am  Worship
10:10am  Session THREE: Impure to Pure 

10:40am  Triads

11:10am  BREAK

11:20am  Session FOUR: The Cross
12:20am  Worship
12:30pm  LUNCH
1:15pm    Session FIVE: From a Divided to a Single Heart

1:45pm    Triads

2:15pm    BREAK
2:25pm    Session SIX: Inner Healing

3:15pm    Break
3:25pm    Session SEVEN: Holy Spirit
3:55pm    Worship & Holy Spirit Practicum
4:20pm    Appreciation

4:30pm    End of Retreat


$20/person ($30/couple, max $40/family) to help cover the cost of the meal, snacks and materials


Refreshments and lunch will be provided.  If you have food allergies, you are invited to bring your own food.  There will be room in our fridge, and there are microwaves on-site to prepare your meal.


Registration can be done online (see form below) or by visiting/calling our office at (902) 825-1777.   Your registration will be finalized when payment has been received.   

Please make the cheque out to Emmanuel Church with 'Set Free Retreat' in the memo line.  Mail to Box 1559, Middleton, NS B0S 1P0.

Or e-transfer to: emmanuelgivings37@gmail.com  

Be sure to include 'Set Free Retreat' in the message!

(Note: select 'Sponsor' if the cost would keep you from attending)

Deadline for Registration

Wednesday November 1, 2023

Expectations and Preparation

Some people have powerful freeing experiences at retreats like this.  For others, it proves to be a weekend during which significant initial steps toward greater freedom are taken.  For still others it takes a few weeks before greater freedom is experienced.  Since this retreat will be offered again, there will be opportunities to go through it repeatedly.  Furthermore, the retreat booklet includes 30 days of devotional materials that will help you review all major teaching points. Finally, other ministries are available through Emmanuel Church to help you on your continuing journey with Jesus. 

We encourage you to pray in preparation for the retreat.  Ask God to use the retreat to bring greater freedom.  Ask him to prepare your heart and mind.  Ask Him to make you sensitive to His voice and leading. You can expect an email from us in the days leading up to the retreat with more insights into how to prepare for the weekend.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Reserve your seat by filling out the form below